Chicken & Dumplings
Source of Recipe
Cindy S. Hughes
List of Ingredients
2 whole Chickens(boiled and chicken pulled off and cut into pieces)
2 tablespoon Olive Oil
3 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon of each Rosemary(chopped) and Herbes de Provence & Cayenne
1 medium onion
1 small shallot(chopped)
1-1/2 cup Carrots(chopped)
1 cup Celery(diced)
5 cup Chicken Broth
Salt & Pepper as desired
2 tablespoons Flour to thicken
4 cup Jiffy Mix
1-1/3 cup Milk
1 tablespoon ButterRecipe
Heat dutch oven over medium heat and add oil. A few minutes add vegetables, butter, herbs,cayenne and salt/pepper. Cook until vegetables are soft, then add some broth and reduce fro 5 or so minutes. Toss in the chicken pieces and add enough broth to cover chicken, then place the lid on for 10 minutes. Stir in flour to thicken. Make dumplings in a bowl until you have a chunky mix, then plop 8 dumplings on the chicken mix cover again for 15-20 minute or until dumpling dough is cooked through.
Serve and enjoy.