Vealies or Veggies?
I like animals and I treat all living animals with respect. But, sorry to say, some just taste better than tofu or bulgar. And I like the taste of beef and veal. If I never eat another bite of either, I'm sure the meat markets would not reduce their slaughterings one bit. I don't hunt nor do I kill living animals... Why should I when meat is all packaged up just a block away at my grocery store and the price of guns and ammunition and permits and all the special camouflage clothing and gear to bring a dead buck or duck back home and into my freezer, is so crazy. A 4 Wheel Drive Truck, a week-end away from home, cleaning the inners out, cleaning the guns and buying a dedicated freezer? And then paying someone over $500 just to mount the damn deer head on my den wall ? ! ! You just can't throw away the head ! ... God, I really loved that animal... right? Sure I did!....(so say the hunter). I love my mother-in-law too, but her head is not on my den wall.
Since the meat in the store can't be brough back to life and is already wrapped in cellophane.... then, I may just buy and eat it from the store.
I've never killed a deer, I wouldn't kill a cow or a calf, or even a chicken.
Fish ~ hmmmm...? ~ Fish even eat fish alive ... and a shark looks at me as a filet mignon !
A lady in a restaurant said to me... Why are you eating that Veal?!... that Calf had to die just for your meal!
I said to her ....
Well, Because of all the vegetarians out there like you, who are eating up all the farm animal's food and causing them all to starve to death.....
I just wanted to save him from a slow death !
Indigniantly, she returned to her 5 pound salad and said... Well, being a vegetarian is more healthly.
I picked up my slice of veal with my fork and held it up and said.... See this? It use to be a vegetarian.... and it don't look too healthy now, now does it?!
She said... Only because you Killed It for your Meal!
I said, Oh, I didn't know there were any Witnesses.... Now I will have to kill you too....
She left the restaurant then without even touching her salad!.... I still enjoyed my veal... and her salad!