Meat/Chicken Salad
Source of Recipe
From Dana
Try leftover meat tossed in a salad for a summer lunch or dinner. Steak is
particularly good this way -- although leftover steak is a rare occurrence
in our house! Chicken, turkey, or ham are great, too. Use romaine, plenty
of fresh parsley, cukes, peppers, red onion. Add olive oil -- with a clove
of garlic crushed in it -- and toss well before you add any other
seasoning. (This tossing with the oil first makes a *huge* difference!)
Then, on NeanderThin, I'd suggest lemon juice, oregano and pepper, maybe
some of that homemade mayo if you like your dressing creamy. Mustard is
good; I just add a squirt of brown mustard out of the bottle. Toss well
after each addition. At the last, add the meat and sliced tomatoes.
(Tomatoes go in after tossing, or they get mushed.)