Enchilada Bake
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
no one knows this is vegetarian:
These are the recipes I served at my son's mountain bike relay last summer. I used tofu whenever possible ro assure protein. Mitch asked me to watch the fiber content day of race (which put me into more milk and egg products). These aren't all easily converted for the Meateaters but frankly are great. These recipes are for a large group. Several of us who were not vegetarians loved the fare, did not feel deprived and was soooooooooo healthy:
List of Ingredients
2 bags of tortilla chips
Vegetable oil
2 lb. Veggie Hamburger
4 cups chopped onions
4 T finely chopped garlic
4 T chili powder
2 t. oregano
2 t. cumin
2 t. red pepper flakes
2 t. salt
1 cup water
8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
1 can sliced black olives
2 large cans crushed tomatoes
2 jar salsa sauce
4 cups cooked kidney beansRecipe
Heat 1-2 T oil in skillet.
Cook "hamburger," onions and garlic until soft.
Add seasonings and water and simmer until flavors combined.
Coat 2 lasagna pans with oil
Line lasagna pan with layer of salsa mix.
Cover with tortilla chips.
As with lasagna, repeat these layers: 1/3 kidney beans, "meat" sauce, tomatoes, black olives, cheese, chips. Repeat ending with final layer of tortilla chips. Top with remaining salsa sauce and cheddar cheese. Bake in 350 oven until heated through – 30-45 min.
Serves 16
***Havent found great tasting stuff needs real hamburger****