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    Rich nutmeg ice cream

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    284ml pot double cream
    200ml full-cream milk
    6 egg yolks
    50g sugar
    1 tsp freshly-grated nutmeg


    Heat the double cream and the full-cream milk in a pan until just starting to boil.
    Meanwhile whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl. When milk and cream mix is ready, steadily pour it over the yolks, whisking continuously.
    Pour back into a clean pan, then heat gently, stirring, for about 10 mins until the mix thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Strain custard through a sieve into another large bowl, stir in the freshly-grated nutmeg, then cool.
    Churn in an ice cream machine or pour into a freezer-proof container, then freeze for about 1½ hrs until frozen around the edges. Stir the frozen edges into the mix, then repeat this twice more or until the ice cream is smooth and thick. Leave for at least 4 hrs to freeze before serving with Sticky orange & marsala pudding (see link, right).

    Making it perfect
    Don't leave the pan when making custard and keep the heat low. If it starts to turn lumpy, take off the heat immediately and quickly strain through a sieve into a large bowl to stop it cooking. Push any set custard through the sieve and whisk in to the rest.

    Makes 500ml




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