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9/23/2001 Hi I have enjoyed reading your recipes. I went to cakes and pies and the recipes were not "clickable" I want to make two pecans pies and freeze for a spaghetti dinner at our church. Do you think they would freeze well and which recipe would you use. Verla Verla (Mrs_Chef) Roanoke, IL USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 15:47:37 (PDT) 9/23/2001 Hi I have enjoyed reading your recipes. I went to cakes and pies and the recipes were not "clickable" I want to make two pecans pies and freeze for a spaghetti dinner at our church. Do you think they would freeze well and which recipe would you use. Verla Verla (Mrs_Chef) Roanoke, IL USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 15:44:31 (PDT) 9/23/2001 Hi I have enjoyed reading your recipes. I went to cakes and pies and the recipes were not "clickable" I want to make two pecans pies and freeze for a spaghetti dinner at our church. Do you think they would freeze well and which recipe would you use. Verla Verla (Mrs_Chef) Roanoke, IL USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 15:43:27 (PDT) 9/23/2001 Hi I have enjoyed reading your recipes. I went to cakes and pies and the recipes were not "clickable" I want to make two pecans pies and freeze for a spaghetti dinner at our church. Do you think they would freeze well and which recipe would you use. Verla Verla (Mrs_Chef) Roianoke, IL USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 15:43:00 (PDT)
Grandma Mary