Email to Harper Recipe Categories: Harper's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BBQ BESTOFTHEBEST BEVERAGES BREAD-QUICK BREAD-YEAST BREAKFAST BUDGET CAKE CANDY CASSEROLES CHEESE CHEESECAKES COMFORTFOODS COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS DINNERPIES EASY EGGS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FREEZINGPRESERVING FROZENBREADDOUGH FRUIT GIFTSFROMMYKITCHEN GROUNDTURKEY HOMEMADE HOUSEHOLD ICINGFROSTING InSearchOf JAMSandJELLIES JELL-OTHINGS LOWCAL LOWFAT MARINADES MEATS MICROWAVE MISC MIXES NONFOOD PASTA PASTRIES PIE PIECRUSTS PIZZA POTATOES POULTRY RELISHES RICE RICEGRAINS SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS SPREADS STUFF TIPSnHINTS VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN BBQn' Source of Recipe ? List of Ingredients Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot We'll BBQ in all the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not. ~ Old saying Recipe