Ground Turkey Soup
List of Ingredients
4 or 5 quarts low salt, rich chicken broth
1 lb. ground turkey
3 tbs minced parsley
2 tbs Italian herb blend (oregano, rosemary, basil, etc)
pinch of salt
2 eggs, beaten
Lots of freshly ground black pepper (to taste - use lots)
Approximately 3/4 cup each dry bread crumbs and
grated parmesan/romano cheese
2 large heads of escarole (or Swiss chard or a bag
of spinach), washed & torn into bite size pieces
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Heat the chicken broth to a simmer in a large pot. In a deep shallow
pan, bring about 2" of water to a boil. Combine turkey with herbs,
bread crumbs, eggs, cheese and salt and pepper. Start with 1/2 cup
each of the bread crumbs and cheese, adding until the mixture can be
easily formed into balls - it should be somewhat firm. Form into
small meatballs about the size of a large grape. Drop meatballs
gently into simmering water, cook for about 4 minutes. Do this step
in batches, removing meatballs with a slotted spoon. Drop precooked
meatballs into simmering chicken broth and cook for an additional 5
minutes. When all meatballs have been added, add the greens and lemon
juice. Continue cooking for about 5 minutes or until the greens are