Almost 'V-8 Juice'
List of Ingredients
2 gallons chopped tomatoes
3 stalks chopped celery
2 large onions
2 large red or green peppers, chopped
2 large beets, quartered
3 fresh sprigs parsley
1 clove garlic
4 carrots
Simmer until tomatoes are softened. Puree in heat-tolerant blender. Be careful--this is very HOT! You'll have to do this a little at a time. After blending, put it back in a BIG pot. Add 6-8 quarts water, depending on how thick or thin you want this juice to be. Bring to a boil. Fill hot quart jars, leaving head space. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon salt to each quart jar. Wipe rims thoroughly, place hot lids and rings on jars. Process 35 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure.
(Processing time & pounds may need adjusting for higher altitudes.)
Makes LOTS!