Baked Tomato Salad
List of Ingredients
Olive oil
3-4 large, ripe summer tomatoes
Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste
1-2 T minced fresh parsley
1-2 T minced fresh basil (or cilantro)
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 jar roasted red peppers, chopped (or homemade,
if desired)
2-3 T dry bread crumbs
1-2 T capers
Preheat oven to 475 degrees.
Choose a heavy baking dish for the number of servings you are making.
This is a layer dish so ingredients should be separated. Spread a thin layer of olive oil in the bottom of the dish. Cut the tomatoes in 1/4-inch slices and put a single layer in the dish. Sprinkle salt & pepper to taste, then sprinkle parsley, basil and garlic. Top with
chopped roasted red peppers. Repeat this process once more time, then add one more layer of everything except roasted red peppers. Drizzle with a little olive oil and cover lightly with bread crumbs. Sprinkle with capers and bake for 20 minutes. Chill thoroughly before serving.
Serves 4-8
(Portions are not exact because you can adapt to serve 4-8)
This dish can be served chilled as a salad. After you have chilled the dish, chop everything into smaller pieces and serve in small individual bowls for dipping hot crusty bread.