Creme Fraiche
List of Ingredients
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon buttermilk
Combine the cream and the buttermilk in a sterilized jar with a lid that seals very tightly. Place the jar in a warm spot (the top of the refrigerator, close to the stove, near a radiator, or even on top of the microwave). Allow to sit until the mixure has thickened but is still liquid enough to pour. This usually takes about 12 hours. If you use ultrapasteurized heavy cream it significally lengthens the time and can take up to a day and a half to thicken.
The reason I have included this recipe is because it can be substituted for sour cream in many recipes, but does not curdle. That fact makes it indispensible for so many dishes, especially sauces. It is very easy to make and is wonderful used in soups, casseroles, and over fresh fruit.