Uses For Coffee & Coffee Cans
Source of Recipe
Simply Tim Ezine
Recipe Introduction
Here are some rather clever uses for coffee, coffee grounds and empty coffee cans.
List of Ingredients
+ Dye fabric brown inexpensively. Soak the fabric in a bucket of strong black coffee. This technique is also a good way to cover-up an irremovable coffee stain on a white table cloth.
+ Fertilize a garden or houseplants. Work coffee grounds into the topsoil.
+ Repair scratched woodwork. Mix a teaspoon instant coffee with two teaspoons water. Apply to the scratch with a cotton ball.
+ Start a charcoal fire. Remove the top and bottom of an empty coffee can and punch a few holes in the sides of the can. Stand the can in your barbecue grill, fill it with charcoal briquettes, add lighter fluid, and light. When the coals glow, remove the hot can with tongs and set in a safe place.
+ Prevent dampness in closets. Fill an empty coffee can with charcoal briquettes, punch holes in the plastic cover, and set on the floor in the back of the closet.
+ Repel ants. Sprinkle dried coffee grounds outside doors and cracks. Coffee deters ants.
+ Relieve a hangover. Drink a couple of cups of coffee. Coffee acts as a vasoconstrictor, reducing the swelling of blood vessels that causes headache.
+ Spread grass seed or fertilizer. Punch holes in the bottom of an empty can of coffee, fill with grass seed or fertilizer, cover with the plastic lid, and shake the can as you walk through your garden.
+ Transport live fishing bait. Keep worms in a coffee can filled with moist coffee grounds.
+ Keep toilet paper waterproof while camping. Carry a roll of toilet paper inside an empty coffee can.
+ Protect baby tomato plants. Remove the top and bottom from coffee cans, place a can over each plant, and step on the can to set firmly in the soil.
Remove cans when plants are a few weeks old.
+ Grow better melons. Raise melons off the ground by resting them on top of upside-down empty coffee cans pushed into the soil. The metal cans accumulate heat, making the fruit ripen earlier and repelling insects.
+ Keep paintbrush bristles from bending while soaking in solvent. Put solvent in an empty coffee can, cut an X in the plastic lid, and push the brush handle up through the slit so the brush hangs in the can rather than resting on its bristles.
+ Highlight brown or red hair. Rinse your hair with coffee for a rich and shiny color.
+ Deodorize the refrigerator and freezer. Place a bowl filled with coffee grounds on the back shelf.
+ Patch woodwork. Mix dry instant coffee with spackling paste until you achieve the desired brown tone, fill the crack or hole, and smooth with a damp cloth.
+ Clean a restaurant grill. Pour left-over brewed coffee over a hot or cold grill and wipe clean.
+ Wrap cookies and candies. Cover an empty coffee can with wrapping paper, fill with cookies or candy, cover with the plastic lid, then wrap.
+ Cover spots on black suede. Sponge on a little black coffee.
+ Make emergency lights. Wrap reflector tape around a couple of empty coffee cans and store in the trunk of your car for emergencies.
+ Make stilts ..String rope through holes punched in the closed ends of two empty coffee cans.
+ Store nails, screws, bolts, and washers coffee cans make perfect storage containers.
+ Improvise a Jell-O mold. Use an empty coffee can.
+ Store cat box filler in the trunk of your car for emergencies. Cat box filler, stored in empty coffee cans, can be used for traction under the wheels of a car stuck in snow or ice.
+ Flavor spaghetti. Add one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of instant coffee to spaghetti sauce. Coffee gives store- bought spaghetti sauce brown coloring and a less acidic flavor.
+ Add a sprinkle of (instant) coffee as a secret CHILI ingredient (as well as a dash of cinnamon). Recipe