Email to Wendy T Recipe Categories: Heavenly_Recipes's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BabalooTeaParty Bars BBQ BEVERAGES Biscotti BREAD BREADMACHINERECIPES BREAKFAST BROWNIES BRUNCH Buscuits CAKES CANDY CANNING CASSEROLES CHEESECAKES CHICKEN CHRISTMAS COFFEECAKES COLDBEVERAGESANDPUNCHES COOKIES CraftRecipes CROCKPOT DESSERTS Diabetic DIETING DIPS ENTREE ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FLAVOREDBUTTERS FONDUES FROSTINGS HOLIDAYMEALS JELL-OSALADRECIPES KID39SRECIPES MAKEYOUROWNMIXES MEATS MUFFINS NOTFOREATING PASTA PASTASANDPASTASAUCES PIES POTATODISHES SALADDRESSING SALADS SANDWICHES SIDEDISH SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS STEWS SweetBreads ThemedParties VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN Deviled Ham Dip List of Ingredients 1 jar cream cheese with pimiento (5 ounces) 1 can deviled ham (2 1/4 ounces) 1/4 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 2 tablespoons snipped parsley 1 tablespoon minced onion 4 drops Tabasco sauce dash monosodium glutamate Combine all ingredients in small mixer bowl. Beat until creamy. Recipe