1 dozen eggs
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon minced onion or shallot
1/4 teaspoon tabasco
salt and pepper
hard boil the eggs
fill up a large pan half-way with water and add the eggs gently
add a teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt to the water
boil the water
cover and remove it from heat for 12-15 minutes
drain the hot water from the pan and put cold water in
let the eggs sit in the cool water for a few minutes and you can put more cool water in if neccesary
peel the eggs
cut each egg in half lengthwise
gently remove the yolk halves and place in a small bowl
arrange the white halves on a platter
mix up the yolks using mustard, mayonnaise, onion, tabasco, and a pinch of salt and pepper
spoon the yolk mixture in the white halves of the eggs
put a little paprika on top of each egg