3/4 c. Bisquick
1 Tbls. sugar
1 tsp. Italian Herb Seasoning (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and place in a freezer bag. Place bag inside a 14 oz. - 16 oz. can.* (Use clean, empty cans from canned vegetables - but make sure the size is 14 to 16 oz.). This is good with or without the Herb Seasoning. Give some mixes both ways.
*Re-lable cans if desired.(See recipe list for instructions.)
Make the following instruction tag for your gift:
Beer Bread Baked in a Can
1. Remove label from can.
2. Preheat oven to 375�. Heat empty can in oven.
3. Empty contents of packet into a small bowl.
4. Add 1/3 c. beer. Mix quickly for 30 seconds.
5. Remove empty can from oven. Spray well with
cooking spray. Pour batter into can.
6. Bake approximately 30 minutes.
7. Shake can gently to remove bread.
Allow to cool slightly. Slice and enjoy.