These were a must in our home at Christmas time. My mother hid them somewhere, I never did find out where. Every night after dinner, she would take a bowl, and the key to the kitchen door. Locking the door behind her, she disappeared and showed up a very short while later with the bowl filled with caramels. This is her recipe, though I�ve never been able to make them as good as she did.
2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups pure corn syrup
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups walnuts, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons vanilla
Combine the sugar, corn syrup, one cup of cream and the butter. Stir and cook until the mixture boils vigorously. Then gradually add the other cup of cream.
Do not let the mixture to stop boiling while cream is being added.
Butter a biscuit pan.
Cook until candy thermometer registers 246 F. Stirring gently, move the thermometer to stir beneath it every three to four minutes.
Remove from the fire, add the nuts. Beat in the vanilla.
Pour into buttered biscuit pan, to make a sheet 3/4 inch thick.
When nearly cold, turn from pan and cut into cubes.
Wrap each piece in wax paper.