Sour Cream Cookies
This is our family�s Christmas cookie. The recipe has been handed down for generations before me. I have taught so many of my friends how to make these, and a rare holiday season passes that someone doesn�t mention that they are still baking this cookie, as it is now their family recipe.
This cookie started a cookie cutter collection. By the time I quit all the holiday baking, I had well over 100 different shapes. I gave them all to a niece who is keeping up the tradition.
1 cup lard (you can use butter)
2 cups sugar
1 cup cultured sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 cups flour
Cream lard and sugar.
Add sour cream and vanilla.
In a separate bowl, whisk or sift the dry ingredients.
Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Mix well, I use my hands.
Chill overnight for a crisper cookie.
Preheat oven to 350 F
Divide into four parts.
Roll out one part at a time, keeping the rest in the refrigerator until ready to roll.
Cut into desired shapes.
Place one inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes, just until brown around the edges.
Decorate with icing and colored sugars.
These are best if one can get raw cream and let it sour. Do not try to sour pasteurized cream, it won�t sour, it will spoil.