In a small frypan, heat until foamy;
3 tbsps. butter
Blend in;
2 tbsps. lemon juice
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
Stir in;
1 tsp. Dulse Flakes
1 cup bread croutons
Cook until golden brown and butter is absorbed.
In a large bread bowl, break into small pieces;
1 large head lettuce
Arrange over lettuce;
1 4� oz. (130g.) can shrimp, drained.
1 10oz. (284ml.) packed, frozen lobster
1 2� oz. (75g.) can crabmeat
Sprinkle over top;
4 oz. blue cheese, crumbled
Add the croutons
Cover & chill.
Just before serving, toss with preferred dressing.