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Recipe Categories:

    Garlic Soup

    List of Ingredients

    6 beef flavored bouillon cubes
    8 cups boiling water
    5 tsp. Italian rose minced garlic in water
    2 Tbsp. butter
    2 Tbsp. minced parsley
    1 Tbsp. flour
    1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper
    6 raw egg yolks, beaten
    6 thin slices Monterey Jack cheese
    6 small slices French bread, toasted


    In a large bowl or saucepan, combine bouillon cubes and water, stirring until cubes are dissolved. In heavy saucepan, over low heat, brown garlic lightly in butter with minced parsley stirring constantly so as not to burn. Add flour and stir until slightly browned. Add broth and pepper; simmer at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.

    Just before serving, slowly add egg yolks, stirring constantly. Place cheese on toasted bread and place 1 slice in each serving bowl. Ladle soup into bowl and place under broiler just long enough to melt cheese. (This could also be done in the microwave oven). Serve at once.




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