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Recipe Categories:

    Red's Split Pea Soup

    Kaylin White/Real Food for Real People

    List of Ingredients

    1 pound Bacon
    2 cups Carrots, sliced
    3 cups Potatoes, diced
    1 large Onion, chopped
    32 ounces Pork and Beans
    2 cups Milk, skim
    2 teaspoons Salt
    1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
    1 pound Split peas


    In a large pan, cover peas with hot water and let soak overnight. Next day, cook peas, water and 1/2 of salt for 1 hour on medium heat. Mash or puree peas and water until smooth. Add prepared vegetables and cook until tender.
    Add remainder of salt, pepper, milk, pork and beans and more water if needed. Cook for 10 minutes on medium heat. Meanwhile, fry bacon until crisp and crumble, pressing between paper towels to remove as much grease as possible. Cook for an additional 15 minutes, and serve hot.




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