This has been in the family for the last 5 generations. You can make a few people happy with this or make one happy couple HAPPIER!!
List of Ingredients
12 extra large egg yolks
1 lb. confectioners sugar
2 cups (good) white rum
1 cup (good) brandy
Mix the above ingredients together and let stand open in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. This gets rid of the eggy taste that so many people get turned off of egg nog.
The next day or the day you plan to serve this add an additional
1 cup brandy
1 qt. half and half
blend this (mixer or beaters) WITH THE ingredients that have been airing in the fridge.
In Two Separate Bolwls
In whip 1 qt. whipping cream, and in the other bowl whip the 12 egg whites.
Fold these into the egg mixture. The liquours blended make a smooth mellow taste. Not overpowering and as I say the family have used this recipe long before I was born and my girls now use it with their families.
Use a fairly large punch bowl, sprinkle a dash of nutmeg or cinnamonon top. And I hope you enjoy it. I would love to have you all over for Eggnog Christmas or New Years Eve.