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    Shrimp Tempura

    List of Ingredients

    1 lb large shrimp, shelled and deveined with tails left intact
    1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
    1/4 cup corn or potato starch
    1 egg
    1 cup ice cold water
    Flour or corn starch for pre-dusting
    Peanut, rice brain or canola oil for frying


    Make several superficial cuts in the belly side of the shrimp so it will lay flat. Rinse and drain well. Mix together the flour and starch.

    Slightly beat the egg and mix with the water. Quickly stir into the flour/starch mixture and set bowl into another bowl of ice to keep batter cold. Batter
    should still be lumpy.

    Heat oil to 350 degrees, working with 4 or 5 at a time, dip the shrimp into flour or cornstarch for a quick dusting and then dip into batter. Fry in oil about 2 minutes or until brown and crisp. Drain on paper towel and keep warm while frying the remainder. Eat as soon as possible!

    Serves 3 or 4 as an entrée and 6 as an appetizer. Slices of carrot and onion, spears of asparagus and/or broccoli flowerets can be substituted for, or enhance, the selection.

    Serve with Shrimp Tempura Dipping Sauce found in the sauce section.




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