Waffles, Hominy
Source of Recipe
Astoria Oregonian
List of Ingredients
- two cups all-purpose flour
- 0ne and one half tablespoons baking powder
- one half teaspoon salt
- one quarter teaspoon baking soda
- two cups buttermilk, at room temerature (see note)
- one and one half cups packed hominy, drained and rinsed
- two eggs, at room temerature
- one quarter cup melted butter, or oil
- one quarter cup granulated sugar
- one half teaspoon vanilla,(optional)
- vegetable oil
- Combine dry ingredients. Set aside
- Place the buttermilk,hominy, eggs and melted butter in a bowl. Use an emersion blender, pulse until hominy is finely chopped but not pulverized.or use a food processor or blender useing one cup of the buttermilk. Stir in the remaining cup.
- Whisk the dry ingredients into the hominy mixture to just moisten.Oil the waffle iron and bring to temperature. Add two thirds cup of batter to iron and close lid. If your waffle iron isn't automatic cook waffles about two minutes. Transfer to a hot oven until all are ready.
Final Comments
Ingredients at room temperature is to prevent the butter from instantly solidifying. If oil is used its not necessary.