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Recipe Categories:

    Smorhorn-(butter horns)

    Source of Recipe

    Pat Solum, Solvang CA

    List of Ingredients

    1 cake Yeast.

    3/4 cup Milk.

    1 cup Butter.

    1 tablespoon Sugar.

    3 cups Flour.

    1/2 teaspoon Salt.

    1 Egg White, beaten slightly.

    Ground Almonds & Sugar.


    Dissolve yeast in the milk which has been heated to lukewarm. Mix 1/2 cup butter, sugar, flour, salt as you would for pie crust; add the yeast mixture and mix well. Let rise to double bulk. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness. Spread the other 1/2 cup of butter over all. Fold over four thickness and roll to 1/4 inch. Repeat this three times. Let rise 30 minutes, then fold, roll and refold three more times or until all traces of the butter have disappeared. Roll out last time and cut into 3 inch squares. Cut these squares into triangles. Roll each triangle from the broad side and pinch down the tip to hold it. Brush with egg white, sprinkle with sugar and ground almonds. Let rise to double bulk. Bake until brown at 375°.




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