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    Edible Flowers

    Source of Recipe

    A little of every where.

    Recipe Introduction

    This is a partial list, (pending)

    List of Ingredients

    Use caution, as there are also many flowers which are poisonous. If you are not sure, do not try it! Don't eat flowers from a florist, many have been sprayed with pesticides. If you suspect pesticides, soak for 20 minutes in a citrus based produce wash and rinse well, or soak again in clear water.
    Pollen may cause a problem to people who are allergenic.
    NOTE: Avoid - the flowers of tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers and asparagus.


    Anise Hyssop, (Agastache foeniculum). Sweet, anise like, licorice
    Apple (malus species). In moderation, may containCyanide precursors. delicate floral flavor.
    Arugula (Eruca vesicaria) - Also called garden rocket, roquette, rocket-salad, Oruga, Rocketsalad, Nutty, peppery, spicy flavor.
    Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
    Basil (ocimum basilicum). Different varieties have milder flavors of the leaves. i.e. Lemon,mint etc....
    Bean blossoms, Scarlet Runner Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) - Have brilliant red blooms, more pending.
    Bee balm, (Monarda species). Make a tea similar to earl grey.
    Begonia. Orange, pink, red, yellow, white. .....Lemon flavor
    Bergamot (Bee balm)
    Borage. Blue-lavender (borago officianalis).Light cucumber flavor.
    Broccoli Florets (Brassica oleracea) - The top portion of broccoli is actually flower buds. As the flower buds mature, each will open into a bright yellow flower,
    Bruisewort/Lawn daisy, (bellis Perennis)
    Burnet (Sanguisorba minor) faint cucumber flavor.
    Calendula orange yellow(Calendula officianalis). Poor mans saffron,Spicy, tangy, peppery. Colors foods a golden hue.
    Camelia, Camelia japonica
    Carnation, Dianthus sp lavender, pink, red ....pepper, clove
    Chamomile, Matricaria recutita and chamomelum nobile or nobilewild or chamomile or pineapple weed. Faint apple flavor.
    Chicory (Cichorium intybus). Pickle the buds.
    Chiming bells (Mertensia paniculata) [medicinal]
    Chives. (allium schoenoprasum) mild onion flavor. Chives , Garlic (Allium tuberosum)garlicky flavor.
    Chives lavender .................................onion
    Chrysanthemum Species, many colors faint to distinct bitterness ..(oriental only-Ssukkat or Shungiku) Garden varieties Chrysanthemum coronarium) Pungent, slightly bitter. Composite flowers, use petals only. pollen may cause reaction to asthmatics, suffers of hayfever or ragweed.
    Citrus flowers. (Citrus limon) Waxy, pronounced flavor. Use sparingly. Make citrus water.
    Clover.(trifolium species). Raw flowers can be hard to digest.
    In the book �From Earth to Herbalist,� author Gregory Tilford writes that the United States Pharmacopeia recommends using one part herb to two parts alcohol-water solution that is at least 40% alcohol. So I used 1 cup clover flowers, 1 cup water, and 1 cup of 190-proof alcohol to make a 45% solution.

    The second tincture solution ended up being 2 cups of herb and 3 cups of alcohol-water solution. It was two cups of 190 proof alcohol and one cup water, making approximately a 66% alcohol solution. This was the result of a counting screw-up on my end but I bottled it anyway so as not to waste the flowers or the Everclear. I�m letting the mixture sit in a dark closet for up to 6 weeks
    Rebecca Lerner-Portland Oregon.

    Coriander (Coriander sativum). Pungent, used in latin and oriental cooking. Soapy flavor to some palates.
    Corn flag, (Gladiolus cv.)bulb Aug.-Sept.salad,stuffed, garnish, Sweet taste.
    Corn flower, (Centaurea cyanus)A.K.A. bachelor's button. Clove like.
    Cow slip, (primula Veris),
    Dahlia species (flower petals and tubers)
    Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) young buds fried taste similar to mushrooms. Used to make wine. [medicinal]
    Daisy, English, pastels, white (Bellis Perennis)tangy lettuce
    Day lily (Hemerocallis fulva) (Hemerocallis. species). Like a crisp or crunchy lettuce leaf, Sweet Faint chestnut or bean flavor. May act as a laxative. (Lillium species) contain alkaloids and are not edible.
    Dianthas many colors a.k.a. carnation . clove like.
    Dill Yellow (Anthum graveolens).Dill flavor.
    Elderflower/Elderberry, Sambacus nigra, S. candadensis
    English Daisy(Bellio perinnis). Tangy.
    Fennel. (Foeniculum vulgare). Sweet licorice flavor.
    Fireweed, (epilobium angustifolium) [medicinal]
    Forget-me-nots (myosotis alpestris) (Myosotis sylvatica) [medicinal]
    Foxglove (digitalus purpuria)CAUTION [medicinal]
    Fuchsia, Fuschia magellanica) many colors .tart. (Fuschia X hybrida). Slightly acidic.

    Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides). Light sweet flavor.
    Geranium, (sp) pink, peach, red, white ......Differs with variety
    Geranium, Lemon. Scented Geraniums (Pelargonium species) - The flower flavor generally corresponds to the variety.
    Geranium, rose
    Citronelle variety may not be edible.
    Gladiolas, (Gladiolus species). Similar to lettuce.
    Hawthorn, Crataegus sp;
    Heartsease, Viola tricolour
    Hibiscus, (Hibiscus rosea-sinensis), Slightly acidic, Nice beverage, also candied.
    Hollyhock, (Althea rosea) lavender, pink red, white. Mild lettuce, bland, non descript.
    Honeysuckle, (Lonicera japonica). Berries poisonous!
    Hyssop (Hyssopus officianalis). Don't eat if you have epilepsy, hypertension or are pregnant.
    Impatiens (Impatiens Wallerana). Bland. nondescript.
    Jasmine (jasmin sambac) or Arabian. Delcate and sweet. Use as tea.
    Johnny-jump-up, (Viola Tricolor). purple, white yellow . mild lettuce, sweet to bland. Toxic in large amounts.
    Lavender, (Lavendula officianalis) (Lavendula spp) purple, floral, pungent, slightly perfumy. Oil may be poisonous.
    Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphilla). Lemony, good for tea.
    Lilac, Syringa vulgaris; Rose species. Lemony, floral and pungent.
    Lotus blossoms
    Love in a mist
    Mallow (Malva Sylrestris). Delicate, sweet.
    Miner's lettuce
    Mint. (Mentha species)
    Marigold (Tagetes tenuifolia) a.k.a. (T signata). orange, yellow. spicy, mildly bitter.
    Marjorum (Origanum majorana).
    Mustard, (Brassica species) Large amounts may cause blotchy red skin.
    Nasturtium. (Tropaeolum majus) orange, red, yellow. Buds pickled,(also seeds, pickled). peppery or horseradish flavor.
    Okra (Abelmoschus aesculentus) or (Hibiscus esculentus) - Also known as Ochro, Okoro, Quimgombo, Quingumbo, Ladies Fingers and Gumbo. It has hibiscus-like flowers similar in flavor to squash blossoms.
    Orange blossom
    Pac Choy (Brassica chinensis) - A sister of the Broccoli plant.
    Pansy many colors (viola X wittrockiana)(Bitter stem),sweet.
    Passionflower: Nature�s Insomnia Cure
    by Rebecca Lerner

    Passiflora incarnata

    I was very happy when my friend Rachel, a flower essence maker, told me she knew of a passionflower vine in her neighborhood. I take passionflower extract whenever I have insomnia caused by an overactive mind or when I am feeling irritable, and I find it works great for all of the above with no noticeable side effects. I wake up normally and my sleep is natural and undisturbed. It can get quite expensive at the store, where a 1 ounce bottle goes for about $15. Fortunately, Rachel knew of a spot where it had grown over someone's fence and along a chainlink fence on the sidewalk -- which is, as far as I'm concerned, the public commons.

    Passiflora spp. flowers are one of nature's most imaginative expressions. The first time I saw a picture of one, in one of Sam Thayer's books, I could hardly believe it was real. (Check out this gorgeous photo, and this one , and this one too).

    All parts of the plant are medicinal. Since they are no longer flowering, I harvested the leaves and stems. At home and I cut the leaves up further with a pair of scissors and poured them into a small glass jar, filling it to the top. I then poured Everclear halfway to the top and then added tap water to the rest. This is a simple and easy way to make a 1:2 ratio extract using a menstruum with approximately 50% alcohol.

    Passionflower is also known as maypop, and it has an edible fleshy fruit: passionfruit, high in beta carotene and niacin, according to Steve Brill. I would like to taste it but haven't yet.

    Other medicinal uses for passionflower include calming hyperactive children, soothing nervous headaches, treating neuralgia, lowering blood pressure, and controlling spasms (whether hiccups, coughs, or, reportedly, even epilepsy). The Cherokee use a tea of the root to help wean babies.

    Pea, Pea Blossoms (Pisum species) - Edible garden peas bloom mostly in white. Snow peas also.
    Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana) - The flavor is very mild, sweet and tropical, similar to the ripe fruit.
    Poppy, breadseed
    Pot marigold, Tagetes tenuifolia is edible
    Primrose, Evening (Primula vulgaris) - Also know as Cowslip. This flower is colorful with a sweet, bland taste. Avoid birdseye primrose.
    Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) - Also known as Wild Carrot and Bishop's Lace. It is the original carrot
    Radish Flowers (Raphanus sativus)Milder flavor of radish.
    Red bud(Cercis canadensis). Mildly sweet.
    Red poppy
    Rose, many colors (Rosa rugosa or R. gallica officinalis) - Flavors depend on type, color, and soil conditions. Aromatic, Sweet floral, delicate. Stronger fragrance produces a stronger flavor. Remove bitter white portion of petals.
    Rosa hybrids. All roses are edible
    Rosemary,(Rosemarinus Officinalis). light blue, pine resin, sweet and savory.
    Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus). Nectar, bean like.
    Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius) Poor mans saffron, without pungent aroma or strong flavor.
    Sage, (Salvia officianalis), many colors, differs in varieties. Do not eat in large amounts. Pineapple sage,
    Savory, Summer (Satureja hortensis)
    Snapdragon. (Antirrhinum majus)Bland to bitter.
    Society garlic. (Tulbaghia violacea), very mild.
    Squash Blossom ( )yellow, faintly sweet,(cucurbito pepo)... Squash Blossoms (Curcubita pepo) a.k.a. zucchini. mild lettuce. Squash and pumpkin blossoms are edible... Mild flavor.
    Stock, (Matthiola incana) pink, purple, white, yellow........... spicy, sweet
    Sunflower,( Helianthus annus)The steamed flower is best eaten in the bud stage when it tastes similar to artichokes. Once the flower opens, the petals may be used like chrysanthemums, the flavor is distinctly bittersweet.Steam to lesson bitterness.
    Sun jewels, Portulaca grandiflora
    Sweet cicely,
    Sweet Violet,(Viola odorata),
    Sweet Williams, Dianthus barbatus
    Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) - Also known as Wild Baby's Breath. Do not consume in large amounts.
    Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris), purple, white thyme, lemon, light scent.
    Tuberous begonia, (Begonia X tuberosa).Only hybreds are edibleEat in moderation. Crisp, sour, lemony.
    Tulip, Tulipa sp; Flavor varies from tulip to tulip, but generally the petals taste like sweet lettuce, fresh baby peas, or a cucumber-like texture and flavor. NOTE: Some people have had strong allergic reactions to them. If touching them causes a rash, numbness etc. Don't eat them! Don't eat the bulbs ever. If you have any doubts, don't eat the flower.
    Viola, blue elf (viola Sp) [Medicinal]
    Viola, many colors............................Wild lettuce
    Violet, (Violet and Pansy Viola sp.) sweet nectar.(viola oderata). Violets (Viola species) - Sweet, perfumed flavor. Related flowers, Johnny jump-ups or violas, and pansies
    Wallflower, Cheiranthus cheirii
    Water lilies, Nymphaea sp.
    Flowers, wild. Gathered as they were available, dried and mixed together in ball, pulverized and stored. in winter made into a beverage. (Chippewa)
    Wild flowers;
    Make a drink of the dried and pulverized flowers by adding 1 teaspoon of the flowers to 1 quart water and bring to a full boil. Add a pinch of cayenne. Remove from heat and steep a little while.
    Yucca Petals (Yucca species) - The white Yucca flower is crunchy with a mildly sweet taste (a hint of artichoke). (Yucca baccata) Banana yuccaFlower petals are edible in moderation. Crunchy, fresh flavor.
    Zinnia, Zinnia elegans




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