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Recipe Categories:

    Orange (or rose) Flower Water

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Time Required: 1 hour preparation, plus several weeks steeping time

    List of Ingredients


    1. Use flowers that have not been sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, or insecticides.
    2. Flowers should not be hybrid varieties as the smell and essence may have been bred out of them in favor of "showiness."
    3. Pick blossoms early in the morning before the sun gets too hot, about 2 to 3 hours after sunrise.
    4. Wash the blossoms and petals in cool water and rinse thoroughly to remove insects and dirt.
    5. Macerate petals using a stone or porcelain mortar and pestle and let sit for several hours.
    6. Place petals in a large glass jar with lid and cover with distilled water. Less is more. You can always add more later.
    7. Let stand in the full sun for a couple of weeks. Check the scent. If it is too weak leave it in the sun for another week.
    8. Strain the blossom water into several smaller sterilized jars with lids.
    9. Store in a cool dark location such as the refrigerator.




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