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    Seed Cheese

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients


    * 1C sunflower seeds
    * 1C pumpkin seeds1T Italian herbs
    * 1t Celtic sea salt
    * spring water
    * 2 probiotics (the powder)

    1. Place pumpkin and sunflower seeds into a 1 quart jar.
    2. Add spring water, filling to the 3/4 jar.
    3. Soak overnight and strain out liquid.
    4. Rinse.
    5. Blend in Vitamix or other blender with as little water as needed to blend seeds, probiotic powder, sea salt and herbs.
    6. Pour into 1 quart jar.
    7. Cover with a sprout lid or cheese cloth.
    8. Let sit for up to 24 hours or 12 in warmer temps. (to ferment)

    Place jar on a plate just in case the cheese rises over the top.

    1. Mid way through fermentation turn upside down into a small bowl with sprout lid or cheese cloth secured.
    2. This will drain out the "whey" and the seed "curds" will remain in the jar, becoming firm like cheese.
    3. Place upside down in the refrigerator to stop further fermentation for one day.
    4. Discard the bowl of liquid "whey".
    5. You can spoon the cheese out of jar OR....
    6. Strain the cheese "curds" through a nut milk bag or fine cheese cloth..
    7. Form a cheese square and cut into slices.
    8. Last for 5-7 days in the fridge..

    The Wild Green Cheese
    Use the above recipe but add:

    * 1/4C finely chopped wild mallow leaves
    * 1/8C finely chopped dandelion greens
    * 1/2t dulse flakes

    Or substitute any of your favorite wild edible greens for this recipe.
    Parmesan Seed Cheese

    * 1C sunflower seeds
    * 1C pumpkin seeds
    * 1/2C sesame seeds
    * 1t turmeric
    * 1/8C lemon juice
    * 1t Celtic sea salt
    * spring water
    * 2 probiotic caps (powder)

    1. Place seeds into a 1 quart jar.
    2. Add spring water, filling to the 3/4 jar.
    3. Soak overnight and strain out liquid.
    4. Blend in Vitamix or other blender with just enough spring water to blend seeds smooth.
    5. Add in sea salt, lemon, probiotic and tumeric.
    6. Let sit cover on counter top for 2 hours
    7. Place onto a dehydrator sheet and leave in dehydrator on med-low for 24 hours or untildry enough to break into pieces.
    8. Store in a glass jar in a cool place.

    Use on top of salads for a unique vegan Parmesan cheese like flavor. Makes an incredible Cesar salad with our rye cracker recipe!!




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