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    Recipe Introduction

    (Levisticum offinale)
    ---Cultivation---Lovage is of easy culture. Propagation is by division of roots or by seeds. Rich moist, but well-drained soil is required and a sunny situation. In late summer, when the seed ripens, it should be sown and the seedlings transplanted, either in the autumn or as early in spring as possible, to their permanent quarters, setting 12 inches apart each way. The seeds may also be sown in spring, but it is preferable to sow when just ripe. Root division is performed in early spring.

    The plants should last for several years, if the ground be kept well cultivated, and where the seeds are permitted to scatter the plants will come up without care.

    ---Parts Used---The root, leaves and seeds for medicinal purposes.

    The young stems, treated like Angelica, for flavouring and confectionery.




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