Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
* Ca. 1 kg boneless pork from belly or side with the rind
* 4 tblsp. salt to 3 liters of water
* 1 1/2 tblsp salt
* 1 teasp pepper
* 1 teasp clove
* 1 teasp ginger
* 2 teasp gelatin powder
* whole cloves
Simmer the pork in salted water for 1 1/2 hours. take it out of the water and let it rest for 30 min. Cut off the rind in one piece. Cut the meat and fat into 1 cm thick slices. Mix the meat, fat and spices and gelatin powder. Use a tray, ca 20 cm in diameter and put a damp kitchen towel in it. Put the rind in first and then the meat and fat slices. Make a roll (use the towel) and fasten a cotton tread around it so it makes a nice roll. Put it back into the water and let it simmer for 20 - 30 min. Take it out and put it under pressure (a piece of plank and a couple of bricks would do.) until it is cold. Decorate it with whole cloves.