Source of Recipe
Elisabeth Bue
List of Ingredients
1 lb. butter
1 lb. flour
1/2 cup wine or brandy
1 lb. sugar
9 eggs
3 lbs. clean currants
2 lbs. stoned raisins
3/4 lb. citron
1 grated nutmeg
1/4 tsp. mace and cinnamon
Rub the butter and sugar together. When light, add first the yolks then the whites. Whites and yolks beaten separately. Then add nearly all the flour, keeping out just enough to dust the raisins. Cut the citron in strips and put in as you put the cake in the pan. After mixing your fruit in the cake, grease a 4-quart pan carefully and line with buttered paper. (Burns easily) After it is baked, take it out of the pan, paper and all and let cool. The next day return to pan or covered cake box to keep fresh and moist. Keep tightly covered.