Dandelion Marmalade
Source of Recipe
(by John Wright "River Cottage Handbook No. 7 - Hedgerow")
List of Ingredients
1 litre apple juice (not from concentrate)
80g (approx 180 flowers) of dandelion petals (green sepals and stalk removed)
100ml fresh lemon juice (approx 2-3 lemons)
750g jam sugar
Put a plate into the freezer to test for setting later.
Pour the apple juice into a saucepan and stir in 60g (approx 130 flowers) of the petals.
Bring to simmering point, remove from the heat, cover and leave overnight.
Strain the juice into a separate pan and add the lemon juice and slowly heat to boiling point.
Add the sugar and stir until dissolved before adding the remaining 20g (approx 50 flowers)
Increase the heat and boil for 6-7 minutes until the setting point has been reached. (Remove the pan from the heat and test for setting by placing a small spoonful of marmalade onto the frozen plate, if after a minute the marmalade wrinkes when you push it gently with your finger, it is ready.)
Remove scum with a slotted spoon before ladelling into warm, sterilised jars. Cover and seal.
Once cool enough to handle, give the jar a sharp shake to distribute the petals through the marmalade.