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    This is incomplete and being worked on.
    Arrowhead (sagittaria latifolia vahl) Root, wild potato.
    Aster Species (aster ) Lake Superior, Leaves (with fish).
    Basswood (tilia Americana L) sap next to the bark.
    Bean,wild (falcata comosa) AKA Hog peanut. Root.
    Bearberry (arctostaphylos uva-ursi) Fruit to season meat or broth, leaves smoked.
    Birch, white ( ) sap next to the bark. cook to a syrup
    Blackberry (rubus frondosus bigel) Fruit
    Blueberry (vaccinium augustafolium) Fruit, eaten raw or dried and combined with moose fat and deer tallow.
    Bunchberry (cornus canadensis) Berries, eaten raw.
    Bugleweed (lycopus asper Green) Root, "crow potatoes". Dried and boiled.
    Bulrush (scirpus validus vahl) Root, small bulb at turn of root. Eaten raw in summer. Sweet in summer.
    cherry, wild (Prunus serotina) fruit raw or dried. Twigs as a beverage. a bundle of twigs 4 inches long and 1 inch in diameter, tied together. Boiled.
    Choke cherry (Prunus Americana Marsh) Raw or dried fruit. Twigs as a beverage. a bundle of twigs 4 inches long and 1 inch in diameter, tied together. Boiled.
    Choke cherry (prunus Virginia L) Fruit pounded between rocks, stone (seed) and all. Prepare as thornapple. Twigs as a beverage. a bundle of twigs 4 inches long and 1 inch in diameter, tied together. Boiled.
    Corn (zea mays L) The silk was also used to season broth and thicken it slightly.
    Cranberry (oxycoccus macrocarpus) Fruit.
    Cranberry, highland (viburnum pauciflorum pylaie) Fruit
    Creeping snowberry (chiogenes hispidula) Leaves as a beverage.
    Flowers, wild. Gathered as they were available, dried and mixed together in ball, pulverized and stored. in winter made into a beverage.

    Wild flowers;
    Make a drink of the dried and pulverized flowers by adding 1 teaspoon of the flowers to 1 quart water and bring to a full boil. Add a pinch of cayenne. Remove from heat and steep a little while.

    Currant, red (ribes triste pall) Fruit
    Currant, Wild (
    Ginger, wild (asarum canadense) Root, seasoning and indigestion.
    Grape (vitis cordafolia Vahl) Fruit.
    Hazelnut (corylus Americana) Nut.
    Hemlock (tsuga Canadensis) Leaves as a beverage.
    Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Root, mostly raw.
    Juneberry AKA Shadbush (amelanchier Canadensis) Fruit, eaten raw..
    Labrador tea (ledum groen landicum) Leaves as beverage.
    Maple (acer saccharum marsh) Sap. The Chippawa, dissolved maple sugar in cold water and served in hot weather as a refreshing drink.
    Milkweed, common (asclepias syriaca) Flowers were cut up and stewed like preserves by the Chippewa.
    Mint, Mountain (koellia Virginiana) Flowers and buds to season meat and the broth.
    Moss growing on white pine (find more info) dried and reconstituted, used in fish and meat stock.
    Oak, bur (quercus macrocarpa) Acorns, sweet. Boiled split and eaten, or roasted in ashes.
    Poplar (populus tremuloides Michex) AKA Aspen.
    Pumpkin (curcurbita pepo) fruit. Flower dried and used to thicken broth.
    Raspberry,red (robus strigosus Michx)
    Rice, Indian (zizania palustris L) fruit
    Spruce (picca rubra (Du roi) Leaves as a beverage.
    Squash (curcurbita maxima duchesne) Fruit
    Strawberry (fragaria virginiana duchesne) Fruit
    Thornapple (Cratagus species)
    Woodbine (parthenocissus quinquefolia) AKA Virginia creeper. Stalk. Sap next to the bark, made into a syrup and used, boiled with wild rice to season the rice.
    Wintergreen (gaultheria procumbens L) Leaves as beverage.




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