Source of Recipe
Boil a small cupful of rice in water until tender. as soon as the rice is done, rinse it in a colander with cold water and then stand by the side of the stove to dry, stirring now and then with a fork to keep the grains from sticking together. Peel, core and cut into quarters a pound and a half of apples. Make a syrup with a cupful of sugar and 2 cups of water and boil the apple pieces in this until they are tender. Lift out the apples carefully and pile in the centre of a dish. Boil the syrup for a little while longer to reduce it and then pour over the apples. Arrange the boiled rice in a ring round the heaped apples. Whip 1 egg white with a dessertspoon of sugar until quite stiff. Decorate the dish with this and put in a cool oven until the meringue has set and become lightly coloured. Serve cold.