Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
You will need a platte iron for this.
List of Ingredients
3 eggs, separated
3 C milk
1 C flour
1 tsp. salt
2 T sugar
4 T butter, melted
1/2 tsp salt
Old fashioned recipe:
3 eggs
1/2 C flour
1 1/2 C rich milk
1/8 tsp salt
2 T sugar
3 T melted butter
Beat egg yolks. Sift dry ingredients together. Add milk alternately with dry ingredients, a little at a time. Add butter and mix until smooth. Let stand at room temperature for 2-3 hours or in the refrigerator, overnight.
Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
Butter a Swedish "plattpan", with several circular indentations. and have pan very hot. If using a skillet it will be ready when a drop of water "skittles" on it and a pat of butter will melt, but not burn. Have pan very hot for tender cakes.
Pour enough batter onto pan to completely cover the flat surface. After about 1-2 minutes, check to see if pancake can be turned over by gently loosening edge with a small spatula. If lightly browned , pancake may be turned.
Repeat until all batter is used. Keep finished pancakes warm in a 200 degree F. oven.
Roll and serve hot, spread with jam or lingonberry preserves, other fruit sauces may be used also. If preferred, cakes may be stacked on plates with a filling between layers, topped with whipped cream, and served in wedges like pie. Cakes may also be spread with a meat mixture, creamed chicken,, vegetables, etc....Topped with gravy or sauce if desired.
Old Fashioned:
Melt a little butter in each depression of platte iron. Spoon a little batter into each. Bake until brown and serve with lingonberry preserves.