Place dry ingredients in sauce pan, mix evenly, add water. Place covered pan in oven and set to 175 degrees and leave overnight. This is a cold weather technique which offers hot porridge in the morning.
We had leftover porridge which was easily formed into patties and was easy to reheat like polenta. We made them savory with a little onion, garlic, chopped shiitake mushroom, cilantro and a few drops of Bragg's.
Shiitake mushroom topping:
6 shiitake mushrooms-rehydrated, stems removed then diced
1/4 cup chopped red onion (shallots would work well also)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
Saute onions over low heat until translucent, add minced garlic and diced mushroom, cover and stir occasionally until all ingredients are hot and the mushrooms thoroughly coated with garlic and onion. Stir in cilantro and remove from heat.
Form patties from the cold porridge and reheat in pan. I used the same cast iron pan the mushrooms were in. Flip once after 3 or 4 minutes and continue to heat a similar amount of time. When the patties are done, top with sauteed mushrooms and a few drops of Bragg's.