Source of Recipe
Adapted from Laurie Colwin's More Home Cooking
Wash 4 lbs. plums, enough to fill six 1/2 pint canning jars, with some left over. Cut plums into thin slices . Put plums in heavy pot along with about a cup of water. Add 5 cups sugar and squeeze in the juice of a half a lemon. Bring mixture to boil over moderate heat. Let plums boil gently. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. While jam is cooking boil the jars (see procedure to sterilize) and write out labels. When plums are thick and jamlike and
are a rich color, after about 25 minutes or a bit longer, take jam off the fire. To test for right consistency drop a spoonful into a small dish sitting in a bowl of ice water and you can tell if it is thick enough. Spoon jam into sterilized jars and seal. Process for 10 minutes.
Wash jars in hot suds and rinse in scalding water. Put jars in kettle and cover with hot water. Bring water to a boil, covered, and boil jars for 15 minutes from time steam emerges from kettle. Turn off heat and let jars stand in hot water. Just before they are to be filled, invert jars onto a kitchen towel to dry. (Jars should be filled while still hot.) Sterilize jar
lids for 5 minutes, or according to the mfgr.'s instructions. Fill sterilized jars to within 1/4"
of tops. Wipe rims with damp cloth and seal jars with sterilized lids. Put jars in water bath
canner or rack set in deep kettle; add enough hot water to kettle to cover jars by 2"; bring to boil. Process, covered, for time specified in recipes, transfer with tongs to a rack and let cool completely. Store jars in a cool dark place.