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    All About Beef Cuts

    Source of Recipe

    Many of us are trying to eat healthily. We are adding more whole grains and fresh
    vegetables to our diets, and eating less saturated fat. Beef is part of a healthy diet.
    Beef makes a meal filling, satisfying, and festive. Think back to the wonderful
    standing rib roasts of Christmas past, those made-to-order steaks for the annual 4th
    of July barbecue, or mom's famous spaghetti and meatball special. Beef is what
    makes the meal memorable. You can still enjoy these classics. Remember, while red
    meat does contain a fair amount of fat, it is also a concentrated source of protein,
    vitamins, and minerals. Eaten in moderation, it can be a part of a well balanced diet.
    Beef is divided into primal cuts. From these larger sections, your butcher makes
    smaller cuts suitable for individual or family size portions. Different cuts require
    different treatment. For instance, chuck makes an excellent roast, but will be tough
    and chewy if pan-broiled. With this in mind, we have prepared this handy chart. The
    following is by no means an exhaustive list of the possible divisions of each section,
    but will give you some idea of the special characteristics and uses of each area.
    Besides being a simple anatomy lesson, it will help you make sense of that long meat

    Meat is muscle. Meat that has been heavily exercised tends to be tough, and chuck
    fits this description. However, chuck does have a saving grace. There is a lot of
    connective tissue in this area, in particular collagen. Collagen melts during cooking,
    making the meat intensely flavorful. Cuts from this area benefit from slow wet
    cooking methods, such as stewing, braising, or pot-roasting.
    Blade Roast - This inexpensive cut lies next to the ribs, and is more tender than most
    chuck. It makes an excellent roast. Alternatively, you can be cut the roast into a
    rib-eye steak, and use the meat above and below the bone for stir-fry dishes.
    Chuck Steak - A good choice for kabobs if well marinated.

    The ribs are tender and flavorful, and can be cooked in a number of ways - roasted,
    sauteed, pan-fried, broiled, or grilled.
    Rib Roast - Available with the bone, known as a standing rib roast, or without the
    bone for convenient slicing. It is one of the best choices for dry roasting. A 7 bone
    prime rib roast can be quite a hefty addition to the dinner table. It is great for a
    crowd, but for a small family of 3 or 4 a bone roast will do. If you can't find what
    you want at the supermarket, you can ask the butcher to cut it to order.
    Rib Steak - Cut from the rib section, these tender steaks can be purchased bone in
    or as boneless rib-eye.

    Short Loin
    Cuts from this area are very tender, and can be prepared without the aid of moist
    heat or long cooking times. You can sauté, pan fry, broil, pan broil, or grill these
    cuts. The steaks cut from this area are especially tender.
    Porterhouse Steak - Cut from the rear end of the short loin, porterhouse is very
    popular. The name originated from the days when it was served in public alehouses
    that also served a dark beer called porter. It consists of a hefty chunk of tenderloin
    with an even heftier chunk of sirloin tip. Some folks like to remove the tenderloin to
    serve separately as filet mignon. Others cook the whole thing, and cut it into several
    T-bone Steak - Cut from the middle section of the short loin, a T-bone steak is
    similar to the porterhouse steak; it has a smaller piece of the tenderloin. Grilled or
    pan-fried, this steak is tender and tasty.
    Club Steak - This steak has many names - Delmonico, New York strip loin, Kansas
    City steak, strip steak, and shell steak. It is cut from the rib end of the short loin. It
    has a bone along one side, and contains no portion of tenderloin.
    Tenderloin - Although considered by many to be the most tender cut of beef, this
    portion of the loin seems to have less of that meaty flavor. For this reason it responds
    well to sauces, meaning the meat does not overpower the flavor of the sauce. It can
    be cut as the whole strip, or into individual steaks for filet mignon.

    The sirloin is where the backbone's connected to the hipbone. Still very tender, these
    cuts respond well to sautéing, pan-frying, broiling, pan-broiling, or grilling. Marinating
    is recommended.
    Sirloin Steaks - Come with three varieties of bones. The pin bone steak is the most
    tender, followed in order of decreasing tenderness by the flat, round, and wedge
    bone steaks. These are large steaks, suitable for the whole family. Sirloin steaks are
    also available in a variety of boneless steaks.
    Sirloin Tip Roast - Tender enough for a dry roasting method, this roast is best when
    well marinated.

    This meat is lean and muscular. As expected it is somewhat tough, but is also
    flavorful. Flank is primarily used for flank steaks and rolled flank steaks. It can also
    be used for kabobs. Medium-rare is the perfect doneness for these cuts; anything
    more, and the meat will be dry and tough.
    Flank Steak - This steak has a great flavor, and should be sliced against the grain for
    maximum chewability. Use for classic London Broil.

    This is a very tough section of the animal. It is best used for stew meat, where its
    rich, beefy flavor can be appreciated. Do not expect it to become especially tender,
    no matter how long it is cooked.

    Round has become popular as of late due to the leanness of the meat. However,
    there is a lot a of variability in the tenderness of cuts from this section. Err on the side
    of long, moist cooking methods.
    Top Round - This is the most tender part of the round; it can be prepared as pot
    roast, or cut into thick steaks for braised dishes.
    Rump Roast - This is a very popular cut for pot roast, but can also be roasted at low

    Traditionally used for corned beef, brisket is chewy and tough, and should be
    prepared with moist heat. The best preparation methods for fresh brisket are
    stewing, braising, and pot-roasting.
    Foreshank - A wonderful stew meat.
    Brisket First Cut - This is a leaner cut of the brisket, for those who want the flavor
    but not the fat of a brisket pot roast.
    Brisket Front Cut - Fork tender and wonderfully succulent, a pot roast made with
    this cut cannot be beat!




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