3 c. heavy cream
1 inch piece Vanilla Bean
6 egg yolks
6 tbs. granulated sugar
1/2 c. or more brown sugar
Heat cream with vanilla bean in upper part of double boiler. Beat egg yolks with granulated sugar until light and creamy. Stir warm cream into egg yolks very carefully, discarding vanilla bean. Return to double boiler.
Place over boiling water and cook, stirring constantly, until custard coats spoon. Pour into shallow glass baking dish. Place in refrigerator to set and chill thoroughly.
When ready to serve, cover top with later of brown sugar thick enough so none of cream shows through. Set dish on layer of crushed ice or surround with ice cubes in a pan.
Place under broiler flame until the sugar forms a bubbly brown crust. Watch it very carefully or the sugar will burn.
Serve at once or chill thoroughly and serve as is, or over peaches.
NOTE: 2 tsp. vanilla may be substituted for vanilla bean. combine with the sugar and egg yolks. Maple sugar may be substituted for brown sugar.