1 whole chicken
1 onion, chopped
several ribs of celery, chopped
3 tbsp. butter
raw rice as needed (2 or 3 cups)
In enough salted water to cover, boil chicken in large dutch oven until tender. Reserve broth. Remove chicken from bone and dice; reserve.
Sauté an onion and several stalks of celery in about 3 tbsp. of butter until soft. Add rice, how ever much you want (I have to add 3 cups for my family) and stir to coat with the melted butter.
Add reserved chicken, and the reserved broth, again how ever much you need - about 2 cups broth for each cup of rice. Season well with salt, pepper, hot sauce or whatever you like. Bring to a boil, stir and cover with lid. Reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. Let set, covered for 5 minutes, then fluff with a fork and serve.
If you like stuff hot, this is really good with diced jalapeno peppers. I serve this with cheese or all-bran muffins. It also warms up good.
P.S. Some people add chopped cooked bacon or diced boiled eggs to theirs.