Halloween: Vampire Punch
Source of Recipe
Recipe Link: messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=iv-fdcooking&msg=3390.1 List of Ingredients
1 quart cranberry juice
1 quart orange juice
1/2 cup raspberry sherbet, softened
Vampires' Eyes-Cubes (recipe below)
Mix the juices together. Add sherbet and stir until it
disappears. Before serving, chill with the Vampire�s
Eyes Cubes.
Grape juice or cranberry juice
Seedless green grapes
Large muffin tin
Half-fill muffin cups with juice. Freeze until slushy (about 1/2 hour). Push grape into center of each cup. Refreeze until solid.
Tip: To remove, float tin in warm water until cubes will slip out easily.