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    Easy Elegant Easter Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    1 stick (4 oz.) butter
    1 tsp. vanilla
    2/3 c. sweetened condensed milk
    6 c. confectioners' sugar
    8 oz. unsweetened chocolate -- melted

    In large bowl with electric mixer, cream butter until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and condensed milk and beat untilblended. Add two cups of sugar and beat until blended. Add two additional cups of sugar and beat with mixer until blended. If mixer is a heavy duty model, you may be able to use it to blend in the remaining sugar.

    Otherwise, remove the bowl from the mixer stand and using a wooden spoon, beat in the remaining sugar. Remove mixture from bowl onto clean counter surface and knead with your hands if necessary to make a smooth, fondant consistency. Pinch off about two tablespoons of the fondant and roll it between your hands to form a smooth egg shape,slightly narrower at one end. Place each egg on a cookie sheet covered with waxed paper. Refrigerate a few hours or overnight to firm and chill before dipping in chocolate adhere to the eggs.

    Dip in chocolate according to directions that precede the recipe.Moist, sweetened coconut may be added to the fondant to make coconut cream eggs. For peanut butter eggs, make a small yolk of about one tablespoon peanut butter and wrap in a thin layer of fondant. Shape as directed for shaping plain eggs. Coat with chocolate for plain eggs.




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