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    Banana Cream Pie in a Jar

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Banana cream pie is an American classic. These little jars make a super cute way of serving this delicious dessert.

    List of Ingredients

    Banana Cream Pie in a Jar

    3 cups milk
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    2 egg yolks
    6 Tbsp cornstarch
    6 Tbsp browned butter
    4 bananas
    graham cracker crust
    1 can of whipped cream


    Mix together the sugar, eggs, egg yolks, and cornstarch until smooth.

    In a saucepan bring the milk and vanilla to a simmer on high.

    You have to watch it carefully or it will boil over.

    Then, slowly pour in half of the milk mixture into the bowl with the egg mixture, whisking constantly.

    Then pour the egg mixture into the sauce pan with the rest of the milk.

    Heat on Medium for about 5 minutes; Whisking constantly, dont let it boil.

    Stir in the browned butter and turn off the heat.

    Pour pudding into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap.

    Press the plastic wrap onto the surface of the pudding.

    This will stop a skin from forming.

    Let cool to room temperature.




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