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Recipe Categories:

    Crazy Cake Mix in a Jar

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Crazy Cake Mix in a Jar

    2 cups flour
    2/3 cup Cocoa Powder
    3/4 tsp. Salt
    1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
    1 1/3 cups Sugar
    4 cups of ingredients fill the jar.


    Combine the sugar and salt and place in a 1 quart canning jar.

    Add the cocoa powder. Combine the flour and baking powder and add to the jar.

    It is helpful to tap jar lightly on a padded surface (towel on counter) as you layer the ingredients to make all ingredients fit neatly.

    Use scissors to cut a 9 inch-diameter circle from fabric of your choice. Center fabric circle over lid and secure with a rubber band. Tie on a raffia or ribbon bow to cover the rubber band.

    Attach a card with the following directions:

    Crazy Cake

    This is a crazy cake because you mix the cake all together in the pan that you bake it in. Pour contents of jar into a 9 x 13 inch baking pan, then add the following ingredients:

    3/4 cup Vegetable Oil
    2 teaspoon Vinegar
    1 teaspoon Vanilla
    2 cups Water

    Stir cake ingredients together using a wire whisk or fork, making certain that all ingredients are completely mixed together. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 minutes. Frost as desired or serve sprinkled with powdered sugar, with fresh fruit on the side.




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