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Recipe Categories:

    Passover Chocolate Chip Cake

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    This cake is very easy to prepare and is eaten up quickly. You can wrap well in
    plastic wrap and the in tin foil. This cake freezes well.

    List of Ingredients

    Easy & Delicious "Chocolate Chip" Passover Cake

    9 eggs, separated when cold and left to come to room temp.
    l-l/2 c. sugar
    l/4 c. matzo cake meal
    l/4 c. potato starch
    l-2 (6 oz.) bitter, semi or your choice chocolate bars, grated(2/3c)


    You need 2 bowls, a small one for the yolks and a large one for the whites in which you will mix cake.

    Beat egg whites until stiff with an electric mixer.

    Beat in sugar, l tablespoon at a time.

    Add one yolk at a time continuing beating at a lower speed.

    Mix together in a bowl the dry ingredients and gently sprinkle a little over the top of the egg mixture, carefully folding in thoroughly.

    Pour into an ungreased tube pan and bake for l hour at 350 degrees. (no slamming of doors or yelling please!)

    Remove from oven and cool upside down over a towel
    (paper works great).

    When cool, care- fully cut around the outside of the an and
    don't forget the center needs to be cut around as well.

    Pull out the cake with the center funnel and cut between the bottom of the cake and the pan.

    Lift onto a platter.




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