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    Yankee Pot Roast

    Source of Recipe

    K.arlette 20011

    Recipe Introduction

    Yankee pot roast recipe with beef pot roast and vegetables.

    List of Ingredients

    Yankee Pot Roast

    4 to 5 pounds beef roast
    1 tablespoon shortening
    1/4 cup water
    1 medium onion, sliced
    1 cup diced rutabaga or turnip
    1 cup diced carrots
    1 cup diced potatoes
    1/4 cup sliced celery with leaves
    2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
    salt and pepper to taste


    In Dutch oven or heavy kettle, brown meat on all sides in hot shortening.

    Sprinkle with salt.

    Add water and sliced onion.

    Cover and simmer for 3 to 4 hours.

    Add remaining ingredients; simmer for 30 minutes more, or until vegetables are done.

    Remove meat and thicken liquid with flour and water paste

    To thicken:

    Stir a few tablespoons of water into a few tablespoons of flour and stir until smooth.

    Stir hot liquid while adding small amounts of flour paste until thickened as desired.

    Taste and season Yankee pot roast with salt and pepper to taste.

    Yankee pot roast recipe serves 6 to 8 people.




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