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Recipe Categories:

    Grilled Potatoes

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Grilled Potatoes

    1 potato per person, red or white
    onion and/or garlic powder


    Wash potatoes and tear off enough foil to wrap each potato individually.

    Slit each potato with a cross and wrap bacon around each potato.

    Sprinkle onion powder on the foil with a little butter.

    Roll each potato up in foil place on grill.

    Turn over after first 30 minutes.

    Then add your meat to the grill.

    Potatoes should be done when the meat is.


    I also microwave the potatoes for 2-3 minutes in the microwave after making the cross, then proceed as directed. This works when you don't have as much time or are cooking a meat that doesn't take long.




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