1 Tblsp corn oil
1.5 pounds tomatoes
pinch salt and pepper to paste
1 pound onions, sliced
pinch ancho chili powder
4 cups water
pinch ground corainder
4 lbs ground sirloin
2 Tblsp tomato paste
2 cloves garlic
2 Tblsp cumin
1 Tblsp thyme-leaves only, no stems
pinch cayenne
Preheat oven to 350.
Light a charcoal fire and when coals are white hot, cook onions and tomatoes until they are about 3/4 blackened. Cool vegetables and finely chop them.
Heat corn oil in a large braising pan, or heavy sauce pot. Add the cubed beef to the pan and cook until beef is well browned. Stir in the remaining ingredients, except the thyme, and allow to simmer until chili thickens.