Email to Master Chef Don F. Easley Jr. Recipe Categories: MasterChefDon's HOME PAGEALLIGATOR ANTELOPE APPETIZERS ARMADILLO BANQUETRECIPES BBQ BEAR BEAVER BEEF BREAD BREAKFAST BUFFALO CAJUN CAKESandPIES CASSEROLES CHICKEN CLAMS CopyCatRecipes COUGAR CRAB CROCKPOT DESSERTS DINNERS DIPS DOVE DUCK EGGS ELK ETHNIC EXOTIC FISHandSEAFOOD FROG GLOSSARY----A GOOSE GRILLING GROUSE ITALIAN Jewish LAMB MARINADES MEATS MEXICAN MOOSE NativeAmerican ORIENTAL OSTRICH OTHERSALSAS PARTRIDGE PASTRIES PHEASANT PIZZA PORK POSSUM QUAIL RABBIT RACCOON RATTLESNAKE RIBS RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SHARK SHRIMP SOUPSandSTEWS SOUTHERN SOUTHWESTERN SQUABPOUSSIN SQUIRREL TILAPIA TURKEY TURTLE VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN VENISON WILDBOAR Hot 'n Spicy Chicken Soft Tacos Source of Recipe Master Chef Don Easley Recipe Introduction Serves 4- 6. Recipe Link: http://MasterCheDonEasley.thevillage.comList of Ingredients Recommended Fillings & Wrapper: Flour Tortillas Cheddar Cheese Tomatoes Lettuce, Onion, Salsa. Recipe In glass or stainless steel bowl combine all ingredients except olive oil and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly to spread spices over chicken, water should be completely absorbed, refrigerate for 1 hour. After refrigeration add Olive oil, and stir until chicken is well coated with oil, spice aromas will be noticeably lighter. Heat Vegetable oil in non-stick pan, and add mixture, frying on medium heat. Cover until water has separated from chicken, and is boiling. Leave uncovered, on low heat, to simmer until almost all water has evaporated. Total cook time is less than ten minutes, do not overcook. Place prepared mixture in center of flour tortillas, add cheese and other fillings as desired (suggestions above). Fold in half, or roll like burrito. Top with beans or spanish rice.
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