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Email to Master Chef Don F. Easley Jr.      

Recipe Categories:

    Venison Rouladen

    Source of Recipe

    Master Chef Don Easley

    Recipe Introduction

    Serves 6-8

    List of Ingredients

    8-Thin slices of outside or inside round appoximately 1/4 thick x 3 x 5 from deer, elk, moose ect. cut with the grain (If you ask your butcher he/she will do it, or lightly freeze your meat to achieve the thin slices)

    1/2 cup-dijon mustard

    -MAGI,a seasoning liquid avaliable at most grocery stores(important!!)

    2 lrge-pickles (quarterd lenthwise)

    4-bacon slices cut in half

    1-sliced onions

    1 cup-flour

    cracked pepper/salt

    1/2 cup olive oil


    Lay out venison on countertop, shake a healthy amount of MAGI from bottle onto each piece of meat then generously spread dijon mustard on the top side of the meat. Add 1/4 pickle, 1/2 slice bacon, some sliced onion all to one end and salt pepper to liking.

    Now roll the gstuffingh in the meat, pick or tie the meat rolls.

    Heat olive oil med/high in a frying pan and brown flour dusted meat rolls.

    Remove from pan and place into a caseroll dish deep enough to cover meat rolls with a gravy made from the frying pan renderings, then bake at 350 for 1-2hours untill rouladen flakes apart with a fork.




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