Email to Meg      Recipe Categories: Meg's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BARSandSQUARES BEVERAGES Biscuits BREAKFAST CAKESandFROSTING CANDY CASSEROLES COOKIES DESSERTS EGGS FISHandSEAFOOD JAMSandJELLIES MAINDISHES MARINADES MEATS MUFFINS PANCAKES PASTA PASTRYandPIES POTATOES POULTRY QUICKBREADS RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SAVORYSAUCES SOUPSandSTEWS VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN YeastBread YeastBread-Rolls CORNED BEEF SALAD Source of Recipe Mom List of Ingredients 1 can corned beef 3 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup chopped celery 1/4 cup chopped green pepper 1 small onion, grated 1 cup salad dressing or mayonnaise 1 pkg. Lemon Jello 1 tin beef consommé Instructions Heat soup, add Jello, and mix together., Add other ingredients, pour into a mold and refrigerate. Mixture will be rather sloppy.